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Returns the product title or the value of a named parameter, multi-choice value or attribute in the specified child configuration. If no matching child or parameter/attribute is found, then an empty string is returned.


string Child(int index; [string paramOrAttrName]; [string productTitle])



The zero-based index of the configuration to get a value from.


Optional name of a parameter, multi-choice value or attribute.


Optional filter to only include child configurations of the specified product.


Child(2; "Color")

Returns the value of the parameter or attribute named "Color" from the third child configuration.


Child(0; "Options.FastDelivery")

Returns the value of the multi-choice value named "FastDelivery" belonging to the multi-choice parameter "Options" from the first child configuration.


Boolean values are returned as "True" or "False". Bool parameters and multi-choice values with "three-state" active can also have the value indeterminate which is returned as the empty string "".


It is recommended to place attributes that read the value of other configurations’ attributes at the bottom of the attribute tree to reduce the risk of circular dependencies. Another solution is to replace either the referenced or referencing attribute with a parameter that is set using a template expression rule.


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